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Beta 1-8 LSCbasic

code : 1-8 LSC basic

Base Model


Compact tabletop unit for the effective drying of relatively large specimen quantities. The LDplus user interface makes the work very easy.  You can choose from a wide range of configurations to adapt the freeze dryer optimally to your specific needs. Condenser temperature of -55 °C for drying aqueous products. The ice condenser capacity is 8 liter.


Base Model


Compact tabletop unit for the effective drying of relatively large specimen quantities. The LDplus user interface makes the work very easy.  You can choose from a wide range of configurations to adapt the freeze dryer optimally to your specific needs. Condenser temperature of -55 °C for drying aqueous products. The ice condenser capacity is 8 liter.


Product Specifications
Ice condenser capacity 8 kg
Ice condenser performance 6kg/24h
Ice condenser temperature -55 °C
Dimensions of base model (W x H x D) 780 x 415 x 540 mm
Weight 63kg
Communication port  

Special Features

  • Vacuum control

Accessories Beta 1-8 LSCbasic