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Labcycler Gradient

code :

The Labcycler Gradient (011-101) has the same technical features as its brother Labcycler Basic has. In addition, the Gradient function is active which can be applied by Thermoblock 48 (012-102), Thermoblock 96 (012-103), Thermoblock 96 alu (012-108), and Thermoblock 384. Temperature gradients from 8 to 24 zones are possible to determine the optimal annealing temperature. The Labcycler Gradient is also available as an IVD version and thus complies with the European Directive for in vitro diagnostics (011-105). The Thermoblock 96 and 384 can be applied for high through put. The Triple Block can be used in the Labcycler Gradient without gradient function. The package Labcycler Gradient with Thermoblock 96 and Triple Block should be an interesting tool for all standard laboratories.

Accessories Labcycler Gradient